
30 de August de 2024

Cases|NGO's|Pedagogical support

Inside Ramacrisna: From Student to Children’s Project Instructor

Get to know the story of Ana Luiza Moura dos Santos, an instructor at CAER

A seed planted in a children’s project that grew and flourished thanks to a nurturing environment. This is the story of Ana Luiza Moura dos Santos, who, at the age of seven, joined the Ramacrisna Institute, where she remains to this day. Currently, Ana is one of the instructors at the Ramacrisna Educational Support Center (CAER). She is an example of how a supportive environment can transform lives.

Learn more about this story below.

Children’s Project: The Beginning of the Story

At the age of seven, Ana set foot in CAER for the first time. It was when her mother enrolled her in the children’s project, an after-school program offering various workshops. This was just the beginning of her journey. Over the years, she participated in several other projects, such as the Jovens do Futuro course, which trained her to become an apprentice. Later, Ana had her first work experience through the Adolescente Aprendiz project. In addition, she participated in audiovisual, robotics, and the Institute’s orchestra projects, playing the violin for four years.

The impact of these experiences on her life was profound. Ramacrisna not only helped shape her professional skills but also played a crucial role in her personal growth. “If it weren’t for the courses that had such an impact on my professional skills, I wouldn’t be where I am now,” she says.

When she entered college to study Digital Game Development, an internship opportunity arose at the FabLab, a space dedicated to promoting children’s projects focused on innovation and technology. There, she could put into practice everything she had learned over the years.

The Tree That Was Planted

Later, she became an employee of the Institute, working as an instructor at CAER—the same project she participated in during her childhood. Currently, Ana is responsible for the Digital Board, a technology that helps children with reading. “Being an employee at Ramacrisna is a gateway to developing skills and personal and professional growth. It’s a rewarding experience where I can contribute to the education of young people and apply everything I’ve learned over the years,” she reflects.

For her, the job is not just about imparting knowledge but also about inspiring and empowering the new generation, offering them the same opportunities she had. “The best part is helping the children and young people,” she says proudly.

Her connection with the Institute goes beyond the professional. Her mother, who works as the coordinator of Ramacrisna’s library, is also part of this story of dedication and love for education. Together, they share a commitment to contributing to the growth of a new generation of young people who, like her, can find the necessary support at the Institute to develop.

Like Ana Luiza, there are other seeds waiting for an opportunity to grow. To do this, Ramacrisna needs support.

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