Our Work Projects

Building the Future VI

About the Project

In partnership with Petrobras, the Ramacrisna Institute started the Building the Future VI project in 2023, in the Imbiruçu and Petrovale neighbourhoods in Betim, and in the cities of Ibirité and Sarzedo – regions neighbouring REGAP. The target audience is children, teenagers and young people in situations of social vulnerability, aged between 6 and 45, who live in these regions.

The programme will benefit 4,362 people directly and 17,448 people indirectly, including family members and participants in the events and tournaments. All the activities are completely free of charge.

The aim of the project is to promote professional and educational qualifications to create autonomy for teenagers, young people and adults in vulnerable situations and guarantee the conditions to transform their reality through work, promote sporting/cultural activities, as well as fostering entrepreneurship and autonomy in the communities.


Its aim is to improve the socio-economic condition of teenagers, young people and adults aged between 16 and 45 who are socially vulnerable by offering professional qualification courses, with a view to preparing them for the labour market, increasing their family income, giving them a leading role and effectively achieving their human rights.
Courses: Maths and Portuguese tutoring, barbering, manicure and pedicure, hairdressing, locksmithing, eyebrow design, car and motorbike mechanics, industrial robotics, electrical/photovoltaic, reception and customer service.



Contributing to the all-round development, expansion of skills and diverse competences of children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 by offering sports and cultural experiences. The recreational method will be used, which aims for a playful approach to activities and provides students with pleasure, creativity and motivation, reducing anxiety and stress levels.
Sports activities: basketball, futsal, volleyball, handball and capoeira.



The aim is to promote social inclusion, foster the protagonism of the population assisted and the autonomy of communities, enabling participants to reflect on their entrepreneurial potential and the opportunities that exist in the business world, by offering entrepreneurship courses and business modelling consultancy to young people and adults in situations of social vulnerability, aged between 18 and 45.




Babaçu Avenue, 450, Palmeiras Neighbourhood – Ibirité/MG
Phone: +55 (31) 9 7203-1443

Luzia de Jesus Barbosa Street nº 20, Imbiruçu Neighbourhood, Betim/MG
Phone: +55 (31) 3544-9886

Espanha Street, 31, shop 3 – Petrovale neighbourhood, Betim/MG
Phone: +55 (31) 97147-4992

Building the Future V

With sponsorship from Petrobras, the Ramacrisna Institute carried out the Building the Future project between 2020 and 2022 in the Imbiruçu, Colônia Santa Isabel and Petrovale neighbourhoods, next to REGAP, in Betim-MG. The target audience was children, teenagers and young people living in the three neighbourhoods.

3,240 people benefited directly and 16,200 people indirectly, including family members and participants in the events and tournaments. All the activities were provided free of charge.

The project promoted professional training, integral promotion and human formation workshops and sports, cultural and environmental awareness activities, aimed at children, young people and adults in situations of social vulnerability, aged between 3 and 40, as a form of social inclusion and protagonism of the population, contributing to a socio-educational process that transforms the individual and society as a whole, as well as promoting the sustainable development of the community in which they live.


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