
29 de December de 2022


How do inter-institutional articulations improve public policies?

What guarantees access to education, food and other services for the population? You may have heard of public policy. Simply put, they are a set of actions created to try to fulfill a benefit for a community..

But, behind all public policies, there is a process of dialogue and articulation between companies, governments and the Third Sector. For this, these actors gather in networks, councils and forums.

Currently, Ramacrisna integrates 22 of these institutions in the areas of education, social assistance, food and the eradication of child labor. The vice-president of the Institute, Solange Bottaro, highlights the role of these actions. “Ramacrisna is mobilized in all these segments, because, at the same time that it strengthens that activity, with the creation of projects and public policies, it also strengthens the entire Third Sector group”, he explains.

Below, get to know some of these inter-institutional Ramacrisna actions.


The Minas Gerais Federation of Private Law Foundations and Associations (Fundamig) is an entity representing civil society organizations, such as foundations and associations in Minas Gerais. In all, there are 114 institutions that are part of the federation.

Its work contributes to the development of society, promoting the strengthening, multiplication and exchange between foundations and associations in the state, as a mechanism for social transformation

As of 2023, the vice-president of Ramacrisna will take charge of Fundamig. “We are proud of the invitation and hope to contribute to the growth and expansion of the actions of the Minas Gerais Federation, thus contributing to the strengthening of the Third Sector with the experience acquired in these almost forty years of social action”, says Solange.

The strength of women in the Third Sector

Since 2021, Ramacrisna has been part of the movement “The Strength of Women in the Third Sector”. With the initiative of Fundamig and Conectidea, the group has the participation of managers from several Civil Society Organizations such as Fundação Dom Cabral, CAOTS- Center for Institutional Support to the Third Sector, including the Ramacrisna Institute.

“I think it’s really cool because the group is promoting this valuation. We say that the Third Sector is run by women, but generally, management is done by a man. There is still this issue, and we are working to strengthen women so that they occupy all spaces”, she points out.

The working group has already launched a manifesto in which it points out the importance of creating spaces for female speech, leadership, training and awareness. In this way, equal opportunities and the effective and respected presence of women in spaces of power are encouraged.

Municipal councils

Other important organizations are the Councils. There are councils at municipal, state and federal levels, divided by areas of action. In Betim, Ramacrisna is part of the Municipal Councils for the Rights of Children and Adolescents, Education, Food, Social Assistance and the Eradication of Child Labor. 

“It is a way of intervening in the public policies of the municipalities. In addition, when a company allocates resources to the councils, having a good relationship is important to give them the right destination”, she points out.

This type of action is more political and of discussion about the themes. “It is a fundamental intervention and strengthens the Council. Because each of the members has their own perspective and seeks to improve the situation of the municipality as a whole”, he explains.

Municipal public policies

In addition to participating in the creation of public policies, Ramacrisna acts in the implementation of these measures. This is because it works in partnership with the Municipality of Betim, through various secretariats, such as Education, Social Assistance and Sport.

In these cases, the Institute and the government put into practice various projects, such as the Viva o Esporte (Live the Sport), which offers sports activities for children, young people, adults and people with disabilities

Joints at the state level

But it is not just the municipal bodies that dialogue with Ramacrisna. At the state level, the Institute has been part of the Forum for Eradicating and Combating Child Labor and Protecting Adolescent Workers in Minas Gerais (FECTIPA) for years. 

Related to the fight against child labor and the rehabilitation of adolescents in compliance with socio-educational measures, Ramacrisna puts into practice the Learning Incentive Program of Minas Gerais – Discover. 

The project is the result of articulation with the Public Ministry of Labor of Minas Gerais, the Collegiate Manager of Socio-Educational Measures of Betim and the Collegiate of the Discover program of Minas Gerais. 

Discover offers professionalization actions, school reinforcement, leisure and culture for young people. Due to the articulation, Ramacrisna has already taken the project to Belo Horizonte and, now in December, it started the program in Betim.

Find out about other interinstitutional actions and contact us to find out more.


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