
16 de November de 2021

Courses|Education / Professionalization|News

Construindo o Futuro Project opens enrollment for Elderly Caregiver, Photography and Manicure and Pedicure courses

The Ramacrisna Institute has open enrollment for the free courses for Elderly Caregivers, Initiation to Photography and Manicure and Pedicure. The classes are part of the Construindo o Futuro project, which aims to create new opportunities for children, teenagers and young people living in neighborhoods neighboring Petrobras’ Gabriel Passos Refinery (REGAP) in Betim, Ibirité and Sarzedo.

The Construindo o Futuro project started in March 2020 and is sponsored by Petrobras and the Federal Government. Through Ramacrisna, professional qualification courses, workshops and activities to encourage reading are offered. In all, 3,200 people in a socially vulnerable situation, aged between 3 and 40 years, will benefit. All activities are completely free..

Check out more details about the courses below.:

Elderly Caregiver
Three groups will be opened in the online modality, one for each nucleus: Petrovale, Imbiruçu and Colônia Santa Isabel. The course is designed for people aged 18 to 40 years, with complete elementary education and residents of the following neighborhoods: Betim (Imbiruçu, Vila Boa Esperança, Colônia Santa Isabel and Petrovale), Ibirité (Jardim das Rosas, Petrolina, Cascata, Distrito Industrial de Ibirité, Ouro Negro, Jardim Montreal, Recanto da Lagoa, São Pedro, Lago Azul, Canaã and Quintas da Jangada) and Sarzedo (Cachoeira, Santa Rosa de Lima, São Pedro, Santa Rita, Masterville, Quintas da Lagoa and Imaculada da Conceição) .
Application deadline: 11/23

Introduction to Photography
The course will be taught in person, at Núcleo Petrovale. People between 16 and 30 years old, with complete elementary education, living in the following neighborhoods can participate: Betim (Petrovale), Ibirité (Jardim das Rosas, Petrolina, Cascata, Industrial District of Ibirité, Ouro Negro, Jardim Montreal, Recanto da Lagoa, São Paulo Pedro, Lago Azul, Canaã and Quintas da Jangada) and Sarzedo (Cachoeira, Santa Rosa de Lima, São Pedro, Santa Rita, Masterville, Quintas da Lagoa and Imaculada da Conceição).
Application deadline: 11/26

Manicure and Pedicure
Aimed at people aged between 16 and 40, who have completed elementary school, the course is taught in person at the Imbiruçu Center and is exclusively for residents of the neighborhoods of Imbiruçu or Vila Boa Esperança, in Betim. In classes, techniques will be taught to perform the procedures of modeling, cutting, hydrating, enamelling and decorating nails, as well as performing relaxation and well-being procedures through massage techniques for hydration and foot and hand SPA.
Application deadline: until 11/24


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