
21 de March de 2025


World Water Day: Ramacrisna Institute promotes education and awareness actions

Next Saturday, March 22, the world celebrates World Water Day, an essential date to reinforce the importance of preserving water resources. At the Ramacrisna Institute, the theme is being worked on throughout the week with the students of the Ramacrisna Educational Support Center (CAER), promoting knowledge and encouraging sustainable attitudes from an early age.

The initiative is aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 6, which deals with access to drinking water and sanitation for all, and SDG 13, which addresses action against global climate change. With educational and interactive actions, students will be the protagonists in the mission to preserve one of the planet’s most precious assets.

To raise awareness and learning on the subject, CAER students will have special lessons on the topic, covering the importance of water for life, the challenges of waste and solutions for more conscious consumption. As part of their learning, interactive activities will be developed on the digital whiteboard, allowing students to explore environmental preservation actions in a dynamic and practical way.

In addition, a special day will be dedicated to making awareness posters, which will be displayed at the Ramacrisna Institute to make employees aware of each individual’s role in water conservation. This educational action aims to strengthen collective responsibility for protecting natural resources.
“We want students to understand from an early age the importance of sustainability and how every small action can contribute to a better future. Showing the posters to staff is part of this process, as it reinforces awareness throughout the Institute’s community,” says Gislene Teixeira, CAER’s pedagogical coordinator.

Special Lecture: Awareness and Reflection

To round off the activities, on Friday 28th, Paula Cristina Duque Ribeiro da Costa, a pedagogue and school management specialist who also works as Photovoltaic Project Coordinator at the GDC Soluções Group, will give a special talk to the students. The meeting will cover topics such as the importance of water in everyday life, as well as storytelling with “The Fish Revolution”, which will help illustrate in a playful way the impacts of human action on water resources.

“The students’ participation has been very engaged and productive. They are excited to learn more about preserving water and are already sharing what they have learned with their families and friends. Our expectation is that the lecture will be a moment of reflection and inspiration for everyone,” says Gislene.

The connection with the 2030 Agenda

The Ramacrisna Institute’s actions reinforce the importance of environmental education for the future of the planet. The UN’s Agenda 2030 establishes global targets for water conservation, and the COP 30 to be held in Brazil in 2025 highlights the urgency of discussing sustainable policies and practices to mitigate the effects of climate change.

“Environmental education is one of the pillars for building a more sustainable world. At Ramacrisna, we believe that our students are the future and that’s why we work to ensure that they understand the relevance of the SDGs and the preservation of natural resources from an early age. They are agents of change and, by empowering them, we are investing in the transformation of society,” says Solange Bottaro, vice-president of the Ramacrisna Institute.

“By encouraging children and adolescents to understand the role of water in human life and the importance of its preservation, we contribute to the formation of citizens who are aware of and engaged in building a more sustainable future for all. “ he concluded.


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