
10 de June de 2024

Children|News|NGO's|Pedagogical support

World Day Against Child Labor: Learn about initiatives combating the practice

Celebrated on June 12th, this date was created to raise society’s awareness about the violation of children’s rights and the harmful effects of child labor.

June 12th is the World Day Against Child Labor. This date exists to raise society’s awareness about the violation of children’s rights and the harmful effects that child labor has on the physical and emotional development of young people. Furthermore, early labor hinders access to education and a healthy childhood.

This year, the International Labor Organization (ILO) has set the campaign theme as “The child labor that no one sees.” The initiative emphasizes the need to recognize the practice as a severe violation of human rights and a form of violence against children and adolescents.

The campaign highlights various activities carried out by children and adolescents considered part of the List of the Worst Forms of Child Labor, such as work in garment factories, selling alcoholic beverages, domestic services, and rural labor. These activities deserve even greater attention as they put children and adolescents in dangerous situations, exposing them to violence, toxic products, and sharp objects.

During childhood and adolescence, individuals are in a developmental phase, and early labor can compromise it. Negative impacts include excessive fatigue, sleep disorders, respiratory problems, injuries, fractures, and school dropout or poor academic performance, for example.

According to the Observatory for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor, between 2007 and 2022, 60,095 cases of children and adolescents aged 5 to 17 suffered some type of work-related accident. Among them, 34,805 were severe cases. Additionally, the most recent data from the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (PNAD-Continuous) show that Brazil recorded a 7% increase in child labor cases between 2019 and 2022. In 2022, 756,000 children and adolescents were subjected to the worst forms of child labor, as listed by the ILO.

Joining forces against child labor

Changing the reality in Brazil depends on the active participation of everyone: government, companies, and civil society. These actors need to work together to create an environment conducive to eradicating child labor and ensuring a better future for all children.

Initiatives such as those by the Ramacrisna Institute play a crucial role in the fight against child labor. Children from the age of 6 can participate in the Ramacrisna Educational Support Center, which requires enrollment and attendance in public school. This way, they spend the day with studies and recreational activities, also receiving lunch and snacks, even during school holidays.

Another essential program in this fight is the Adolescent Apprentice project, which allows teenagers to enter the labor market without harming their development, in a regulated manner and provided by law. To become an apprentice, the teenager must be in school, attending elementary or high school, and maintaining school attendance. Apprentices have all labor rights guaranteed, such as vacation and 13th salary, keeping them away from the precarious conditions of child labor.

According to the legislation, companies with more than seven employees must hire apprentices. Non-profit organizations and small businesses are not obligated but can participate in the project.

How you can help

Want to help in this fight? Contact us to find out how to hire an apprentice for your company. Together, we can ensure a better future for our children and adolescents, free from the chains of child labor.


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