
21 de September de 2022


Tree Day: Ramacrisna promotes environmental preservation actions

In celebration of Tree Day, new trees will be planted on the ecological trail at the Institute, in addition to seed distribution for children. Every year, Ramacrisna promotes environmental education actions.

September 21, Brazil celebrates Tree Day. The date was chosen because it is close to the beginning of spring (from the southern emisphere). The flower season starts between the 22nd and 23rd of September.

As a way of commemorating the date, Ramacrisna intensifies the environmental education actions that have already been carried out throughout the year. Learn more belowr.

Tree Day

Tree Day is a date dedicated to environmental education. Its objective is to make the Brazilian population aware of the importance of this great natural wealth. In other words, the day serves as a reflection on the consequences of deforestation and pollution, as well as highlighting the importance of trees in the balance of our ecosystem. 

It is good to remember that trees provide oxygen through photosynthesis, help to reduce the temperature of the environment, in addition to ensuring the life of various animal species, various fruits, among other things.

For this reason, Ramacrisna is organizing the planting of five new trees on the ecological trail located inside the Institute. The seedlings measure 1.70 meters and are native species of the local flora.

The ecological trail is located in the middle of the small forest of Ramacrisna, and was built in 2017, in partnership with UVS’s Essencis Betim and Viasolo Betim. It lasts approximately 15 minutes, and the walk is gentle, allowing it to be done by people of all ages. 

Along the way, it is possible to observe a beautiful landscape and perceive the natural wealth of the region, after all, the ecological trail has a great diversity of trees and plants, in addition to contact with animals such as wild birds. The ecological trail is open to the public and can be done any day of the week.

In addition to planting, children enrolled in several projects and Ramacrisna employees will receive ipê seeds. The intention is that they understand the need to contribute to environmental preservation.

Actions throughout the year

Since its creation, more than six decades ago, Ramacrisna has developed environmental preservation and education actions. Employees, students and the community live together with gardens and three hectares of native forest. Contact with nature is not only a delight for the eyes, but also makes the environment fresher and more pleasant. 

During class, students learn about respect for nature, the damage caused by deforestation and the importance of correctly disposing of garbage and reusing water and waste.

Since 2014, students at the Ramacrisna Educational Support Center (CAER) have participated in the Institute’s composting process. This is a way of reusing organic waste such as dry leaves and grass clippings. In addition, it is a way of showing, in practice, how the material that would be discarded serves to give life to new plants.

In composting, the material is left to mature for four months. After this period, the compost is removed and left for another month to enjoy. All stages are separated by wooden playpens and date signs. When the compost is transformed into organic fertilizer, it is used in the gardens of Ramacrisna.

About Ramacrisna

Ramacrisna is a non-profit institution that, for more than 60 years, has been developing projects in the area of ​​leisure, culture, professional and learning courses for children, adolescents and adults in social vulnerability in 13 cities in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte.

In all, almost 2 million people have had their lives transformed by our projects. You can contribute to improving the lives of many people. Discover our work and make your donation.




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