
17 de June de 2024


Sports Beyond the 2024 Olympics: Discover the VALE

Project The Vencer, Acreditar, Lutar, Engajar (VALE) Project will benefit 2,000 people directly and indirectly

Just over a month remains until the start of the 2024 Olympics, which will be held in Paris, France. The world’s biggest sporting event not only celebrates the athletes’ capabilities but also serves to inspire children and teenagers worldwide to engage in sports.

It’s common for people to start participating in sports activities, such as volleyball and futsal, after the Olympics. This is an opportunity to discover new talents and teach children values like equality and diversity. In other words, it’s an incredible opportunity for families to encourage children and teenagers to get inspired by the 2024 Olympics.

One option for residents of Betim is the VALE Project – Vencer, Acreditar, Lutar, Engajar, organized by the Ramacrisna Institute with sponsorship from Vale, through the Federal Sports Incentive Law. Learn more:

Vencer, Acreditar, Lutar, Engajar

The VALE Project offers sports activities for children and teenagers aged 6 to 18 in situations of social vulnerability. In total, the initiative directly benefits 400 people. Additionally, another 1,600 will be impacted indirectly.

The activities aim for the integral development of children and include chess, 7-a-side football, futsal, shuttlecock, volleyball, and judo. It’s worth noting that futsal, volleyball, football, and judo are sports featured in the 2024 Olympics.

The project focuses on Educational Sports, practiced in educational systems and informal education settings. This means that in the project’s sports practice, selectivity and hyper-competitiveness are left out. Meanwhile, integral development and citizenship education take the spotlight. Classes are held five times a week, each lasting one hour.

Daily, children and teenagers participate in activities with varying levels of difficulty, encouraging challenge and personal overcoming. Thus, the project promotes inclusion in sports practices, with all participants learning how to face barriers related to gender and plurality.

Benefits of Sports

Playing sports offers various benefits for children and teenagers, such as improved flexibility, motor coordination, cardiovascular health, and other physical development traits. But that’s not all. Sports contribute to shaping the personality and character of each individual.

Moreover, it is a great lesson in discipline, concentration, resilience, and teamwork. This way, sports teach values like respect, fair play, and the importance of continuous effort.

For socially vulnerable communities, sports become even more crucial. This is because it can bring significant changes to the lives of children and teenagers and the entire community, altering their reality and creating development opportunities, as well as reducing violence and inequality.

Looking Forward to the 2024 Olympics

Ramacrisna believes in the potential of sports to transform lives. Besides promoting sports projects, the Institute encourages its students to follow and cheer for Brazilian athletes in the 2024 Olympics.

If you also believe in the power of sports, contact us.


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