
31 de August de 2021

Art and culture|Education / Professionalization|News

How to improve early childhood education through reading

A educação infantil é a base de uma sociedade. Quando as crianças recebem uma educação de qualidade, com uma didática transformadora, um mundo de possibilidades se abre no futuro, tanto profissionalmente quanto na vida pessoal.

No entanto, promover uma educação de qualidade é algo que exige muito esforço. Além de fazer parte de uma rotina escolar tradicional, com currículo bem definido, é importante que as crianças participem de projetos que estimulem o seu desenvolvimento desde cedo. Construindo o Futuro é um exemplo de iniciativa que visa a transformação social por meio da educação.

Neste artigo, vamos falar sobre o projeto ações para fortalecer cedo infância educação para crianças em Betim . Também vamos falar sobre algumas projeções para o futuro, que serão implementadas para continuar fortalecendo as ações voltadas ao desenvolvimento da primeira infância. Verificação de saída!

Leia também: Reduzir a desigualdade na educação melhora a aprendizagem dos alunos

Como Construir o Futuro contribui para a educação infantil

O projeto Construindo o Futuro é uma iniciativa do Instituto, com patrocínio da Petrobras , que oferece oficinas de formação de pessoas, atividades esportivas, qualificação profissional e ações de conscientização cultural e ambiental. Mais de 3.240 pessoas serão beneficiadas diretamente e outras 16.200 indiretamente.

 O projeto Construindo o Futuro é voltado para pessoas com idade entre 3 e 40 anos . Na chamada primeira infância, que abrange a faixa etária de 3 a 5 anos, são desenvolvidas atividades lúdicas e lúdicas para ampliar o vocabulário, desenvolver a sociabilidade, a criatividade e estimular a leitura.

Due to the pandemic, actions focused on early childhood are being carried out online, through the production of videos that are sent twice a week to the children’s families. The videos include: poetry telling, storytelling, building toys with recyclable materials, among others.

Storytelling is one of the activities that has stood out among children and parents who participate in Building the Future, becoming a reference to encourage reading. For us, it’s an opportunity to promote literature in an easy and fun way, essential for this early stage of development.

Transforming early childhood education through reading

According to Retratos da Leitura, a survey that investigates the habits of Brazilian readers, the percentage of people interested in literature has grown in recent times, especially among children aged between 5 and 10 years. In 2015, 67% said they liked to read. In 2019, that number increased to 71%.

Encouraging early reading is essential to further improve this habit. Actions must be started even before children start the literacy process. By stimulating creativity and encouraging interpretation skills, we are generating interest in books, making them fun.

That’s what Ramacrisna does in Building the Future. We currently serve three Day Care Centers: Mother’s Worker Day Care, in Petrovale; Good Pastor Nursery, in Imbiruçu; and Santa Cecília Kindergarten, in the Colonia Santa Isabel.

In all of them, storytelling activities are carried out. The idea is to create incentives for children not only to pay attention to the stories, but to be able to retell them to their peers, stimulating creativity and sociability.

According to Luciana Leite, project analyst at Ramacrisna, the initiative is essential to encourage children in the pre-school phase, starting a process of familiarization with letters and narratives even before literacy.

She also says that during the pandemic there was a great need to adapt Building the Future’s activities to remote education. Some events that would be held in person with the children needed to be done through lives on Ramacrisna’s Youtube and Facebook channels.

AntenadosProducer , specialist in the production of videos, animations of Logos/Vignettes and editions, played an important role in the continuity of the projects in this period in which face-to-face actions are not yet possible.

mora nos canais do Youtube e Facebook de Ramacrisna para melhorar a educação infantil

The contact also continued through WhatsApp, with the parents of students from the three daycare centers, who helped in maintaining online activities. At a time of difficulty in education, in general, readings have become even more important for the students’ routine..

“The Building the Future project has been very important for my daughter. She loves stories, poetry and construction of toys, she even calls Dear Nana’s storyteller. When there’s live she has fun and does everything Nana says. For me, it’s been very good, as there are no in-person classes, she interacts with the videos that have been a great learning experience for her. I just have to thank the project and I’m very satisfied. Often, as a mother, we don’t know what to do at home and what to teach. With the videos, she has fun and learns.”, says Tatiane Conceição, mother of three-year-old Mariana Alves.

Plans for the future

After resuming safe face-to-face activities, Ramacrisna intends to further expand Bulding the Future, especially in activities aimed at children’s education. The idea is to get even closer to children, proposing new playful games.

 One of the new actions is the sending of Reading Bags, with around 40 books, to each of the three partner day care centers. The idea is for the storyteller to participate in the delivery of the bags, creating a narrative dynamic around the bag, to bring more interactivity to the reading moment.

Outra ação planejada é a compra de ensino brinquedos para dia cuidados centers , que irão incentivar o conhecimento na geometria, matemática e cores, além de melhorar a capacidade de raciocínio lógico ..

Ramacrisna é uma organização da sociedade civil sem fins lucrativos. Nossa missão é transformar vidas por meio de soluções inovadoras em educação e profissionalização, visando o desenvolvimento humano, cultural, social e ambiental. Conheça nossos projetos e aprenda como fazer parte da mudança!


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