
20 de April de 2023

Art and culture|Cases|Courses

Did you know that culture is our greatest asset?

Culture is the set of behaviors, thoughts and principles that guide the life of a community, city or country. Thus, a culture includes: speech, the way of dressing, habits, customs, music, gastronomy and all the expressions that define us.

In Brazil, we have cultural aspects as our greatest asset. We are recognized and admired around the world for our music, our work and our way of life.

Do you want to know a little more about how important culture is to our lives? Then continue reading!

Our culture is our identity

Brazil is a country made up of people of diverse origins and ethnicities. From Portuguese and indigenous people, who were already here, to Africans and other Europeans and Asians, who migrated in the 19th century. XIX. And it was precisely this mixture, sometimes unusual, that created our national culture.

Despite distances and regional differences, every Brazilian has traits in common, easily recognizable. This happens either because of the warm way of acting, the passion for music or even the love of a football team..

Art and culture 

The clearest way to see the culture of a people is, definitely, through their art. Thus, the various manifestations, such as music, dance, theater and literature are of great importance. It can even be said that art is the mirror of culture. 

Each and every work brings the artist’s vision, but also his experiences. Thus, when reading a book, admiring a painting, listening to music or watching a play, you are experiencing the culture. 

In this way, investing in cultural projects is also investing in the training of young children and adults. Because both those who do and those who appreciate it gain knowledge that they would not have access to in other ways.

Culture at Ramacrisna 

At the Ramacrisna, we seek much more than simply intellectual, artistic or professional training. We want to prepare good human beings, with values, ethics and respect for the environment in which we operate.

Therefore, we constantly invest and develop projects related to art and culture. Among the outstanding initiatives we have: 

  • Dance activities;
  • Acoustic Guitar activity;
  • Guitar activity;
  • Capoeira activity. 

In addition to activities, we have special spaces and long-term projects. 

Professor Arlindo Corrêa da Silva Library 

Named in honor of the founder of Ramacrisna, the library has more than 9,000 books in its collection, including children’s and adult literature.

It is located at our headquarters, in a space of 194 m² and serves all Ramacrisna students and staff. Furthermore, it is open to the entire community.

Since 2010, the library has been part of the Network of Public and Community Libraries of Betim, the State Network of Community Libraries Sou de Minas Uai and the National Network of Community Libraries.

Ramacrisna Youth Orchestra 

Created in June 2005, the Orchestra brings the beauty of the universe of music to children and young people at personal and social risk. 

In our space, around 40 musicians take classes in musical theory and practice, in string, wind and percussion instruments. Commanded by Maestro Eliseu, the orchestra promotes and stimulates the artistic development of the participants.

The project also organizes the Primavera Music Festival. During the event, the community has contact with the musical universe and students can participate in workshops and instrument classes.

Support the cultural projects of the Instituto Ramacrisna 

Now that you know a little more about the cultural projects we develop around here, how about helping us? 

For 64 years, the Ramacrisna Institute has been training and helping to transform the lives of communities in 11 cities in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte. During this period, we have served more than 2 million people.

For this, we rely on the help of numerous partners, who help us to promote equal opportunities and build a fairer future.

There are several ways to help, such as donations, income tax transfers and sponsorship, among others. 

Contact us and support Ramacrisna!


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