
8 de July de 2022

Courses|Education / Professionalization|Pedagogical support

Baker’s Day: get to know stories of those who found sustenance in bread

At the age of 36, João Paulo Ferreira Lopes took a bakery course at the Ampliando Fronteiras project and was able to improve the production of bread in his trade 

Who can resist a warm bread? But behind every delicious bread, there is a lot of technique in production. To honor professionals capable of preparing these foods, Baker’s Day was created, celebrated on July 8th.

In addition to a lot of technique, being a baker is a great opportunity to change lives for those who are looking for a profession. That’s why Ramacrisna, with the support of BrazilFoundation and in partnership with the Municipality of Igarapé, organized the baker’s course.

Classes are directed to the manufacture of bread and similar, functionality of machines and equipment, raw materials, packaging, processes and utensils used in bakery. In addition to technical, quality, hygiene and health and environmental procedures.

One of the students who completed the Ramacrisna bakery course was João Paulo Ferreira Lopes, 36, who won the certificate in March 2022..

Professional baker

João Paulo already owned his own business before he knew about the course. But his company was not doing well. “I knew, before, only what my father had taught me, the basics of the basics, very basic indeed. But I already wanted to take the course, to have a degree and always improve myself more. It was then that I saw a post on social media about the course and signed up,” he says.

After the course, he wasted no time and immediately took the new recipes to his bakery and grocery store. “Through the course, I managed to expand a lot in my business and now, thank God, it is doing well. Although things are a little difficult with the price increases and the profit margin has decreased”, he says.

João Paulo combined the knowledge he had already learned from his father with the new recipes and techniques of the course. It was the perfect sum for him to win over customers and expand production. “Today, I work as a baker, for myself, in my own company. I learned a lot on the course and I am so grateful for that.”.

In addition to teaching in the classroom, the baker says he really enjoyed talking with his colleagues and Professor Geraldo. “We talked a lot, we talked a lot about the área, and so I was able to take a lot of their experience to my bakery”, he says.

About Expanding Horizons

Expanding Horizons, carried out since 2020 with the support of BrazilFoundation and a partnership with the Municipality of Igarapé, has professionally qualified 670 adolescents and young people aged 15 to 29, in a situation of social and personal vulnerability in Igarapé, promoting the insertion of this group in the job market.

The courses were free and the students received uniforms, teaching materials and certification. In addition to the baker course, qualifications in Basic Informatics, Sales and Logistics, Auto Mechanics, Welding and Installation Electrician were also offered. Classes took place both in Igarapé and at the Ramacrisna headquarters, in Betim.

Next step

From 2022 onwards, Expanding Horizons begins a new phase and will promote professional and business training for 90 young people, aged between 18 and 29, who have already completed their professional training. The work will be divided into three fronts: Bootcamp Course – Entrepreneurship in Action, workshop How to be MEI in Practice and Business Modeling Consulting.

The Entrepreneurship in Action Bootcamp is aimed at anyone who wants to start or redesign their business model. The course accelerates the structuring of an idea, project or business using agile tools and methods applied by the most innovative companies on the market..

The Workshop How to be MEI in Practice aims to clarify to potential entrepreneurs, with a business idea or with experience of working on their own, the main obligations and benefits of becoming an individual micro-entrepreneur.

There will be three classes of the Entrepreneurship in Action Bootcamp and the How to be MEI in practice workshop, totaling 90 students. At the end of these two courses, a screening will be carried out to detect 15 young people with entrepreneurial potential and, thus, support them and provide them with tools to start their business.

The 15 selected will then participate in the Business Modeling Consultancy, which aims to provide individual and tailored guidance for entrepreneurs to build or rethink their business model quickly and effectively.

Ampliando Horizontes can only be carried out with the help of our partners. Your company can also help transform the lives of children, youth and adults in social vulnerability. Discover our work and learn how to donate.


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