
25 de September de 2024


Children’s environmental awareness: how to combine education and sustainable action

Caring for the environment must be learned from childhood.


Children’s environmental awareness is an essential tool for shaping future generations and ensuring a more sustainable future. From an early age, children should be exposed to the importance of preserving the environment and natural resources, and this education must go beyond theory, involving practical and meaningful actions.

Therefore, incorporating sustainability concepts into children’s daily lives not only strengthens environmental responsibility but also turns them into agents of change in their families and communities.

Children’s environmental awareness

Environmental education should begin as early as possible. Introducing children to topics such as recycling, water conservation, forest preservation, and the importance of trees for the ecosystem helps shape conscious citizens. Thus, schools and educational institutions play a crucial role in this process, integrating environmental topics into the curriculum in a dynamic and interactive way.

However, children’s environmental awareness goes beyond the classroom. Combining education with practical action is essential to solidify learning. For example, tree planting is a symbolic and highly educational activity. By planting a seedling, children understand the life cycle of plants and the importance of trees in absorbing CO₂ while actively participating in the regeneration of green areas. These experiences reinforce the idea that every small action counts toward building a more sustainable future.

By combining education and sustainable action, we are preparing children to be future leaders in environmental issues. Moreover, practical experience reinforces what was learned in theory, generating deeper and longer-lasting knowledge.

In the long term, this type of children’s environmental awareness can form a generation more concerned with sustainability, with habits and values that prioritize the environment. Therefore, by integrating this awareness into their lives, children grow up with the responsibility to protect and preserve the planet, becoming agents of change.

Sowing the future

In celebration of Tree Day, on September 23, the Ramacrisna Institute carried out the action “Sowing the Future: Environmental Awareness and Tree Planting.” The event mobilized 42 children served by the Ramacrisna Educational Support Center (CAER) and the local community, reinforcing the importance of environmental preservation and the recovery of areas affected by wildfires.

The action was carried out in partnership with the Animal Protection Superintendency (SEPA), Civil Defense, and the Betim Municipal Guard. The goal is to raise awareness of the urgent need to care for the environment, especially in light of the significant increase in wildfires in Brazil. The event is also aligned with the goals of the UN’s 2030 Agenda, to which the Ramacrisna Institute is a signatory through the Global Compact.

Throughout the week, the children participated in educational activities focused on the theme of wildfires and global warming. On the day of the event, they had the opportunity to apply what they learned through a series of practical actions. In small groups, the children, accompanied by educators, distributed educational leaflets in the local community. These materials provided information about the importance of forest preservation, wildfire prevention, and the impact of trees on the ecosystem.

Symbolic planting and environmental recovery

One of the highlights of the event was the symbolic tree planting at Fazenda São Silvestre, an area recently affected by wildfires that destroyed pastures and native vegetation. In addition to planting, the activity included the donation of seedlings to help recover the devastated area. The goal is to encourage reforestation and the regeneration of local fauna.

This symbolic gesture seeks to raise awareness among participants and the community about the importance of continuous actions for the environment. In this way, the institution reaffirms its commitment to sustainable development, based on principles that include environmental protection and social responsibility.

Learn more about this initiative and discover other environmental actions by Ramacrisna.


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