Our Work Projects

CASA Project

About the Project

The CASA Project (Culture, Social Assistance, and Sports Activities), conducted by the Ramacrisna Institute in partnership with the Municipal Government of Betim, was developed to provide free activities and courses throughout the city of Betim. With 24 centers spread across the 10 regions of the city, the project offers sports activities, crafts, music, academic reinforcement, and job market training.

The project is aimed at Betim residents aged 6 and older. Sports classes include disciplines such as soccer, futsal, martial arts, swimming, ballet, zumba, pilates, gymnastics, body practices, and recreational activities. All activities within the CASA Project are free of charge.

Check out the addresses of the Centers

Center 1
Activities: Handicrafts, gymnastics, music, volleyball, and soccer.
Address: Camélia Street, No. 372, Jardim das Alterosas – 2nd Section.
Contact: 55 (31) 97166-5929

Center 3
Activities: Martial arts, ballet, functional training, soccer, eyelash extension workshop, hair cutting workshop, psychological and physiotherapy services, and Pilates.
Address: Porto Alegre Street, No. 46, Jardim Teresópolis.
Contact: 55 (31) 99966-9518

Center 4
Activities: physiotherapy, martial arts, pilates, and soccer.
Address: Rosário Street, No. 1563, Angola.
Contact: 55 (31) 99679-3536

Center 5
Activities: Telecenter – digital inclusion, ballet, social and psychological services.
Address: Edmeia Matos Lazzarotti Avenue, No. 680, Brasiléia.
Contact: 55 (31) 99943-3896

Center 6
Activities: martial arts, dance, music, theater.
Address: Maria de Lourdes Street, No. 678, Novo Horizonte.
Contact: 55 (31) 97190-2536

Center 7
Activities: crafts, ballet, dance, soccer, hydrotherapy, swimming, psychological support. Address: 04 C Street, No. 92, Parque do Cedro.
Contact: 55 (31) 99251-4901

Center 8
Activities: ballet, forró, judo, functional training.
Address: Adolfo Menezes dos Anjos Square, No. 422, Laranjeiras.
Contact: 55 (31) 99350-7535

Center 9
Activities: martial arts, crafts, elderly caregiver course, physiotherapy, gymnastics, jump, functional training, and soccer.
Address: Jovaci Gomes Street, No. 108, Imbiruçu.
Contact: 55 (31) 99563-8147

Center 10
Activities: gymnastics, pilates, therapy group for the elderly, therapy group for mothers. Address: Joaquim Pereira Street, No. 58, Angola.
Contact: 55 (31) 99619-4290

Center 12
Activities: Martial arts, handicrafts, ballet, Ritbox, Zumba, children’s swimming, jump, gymnastics, and soccer.
Address: Barra Longá Street, 502 – Industrial São Luiz.
Contact: 55 (31) 99085-6099

Center 13
Activities: Martial arts, futsal, Pilates, soccer, psychological and physiotherapy services.
Address: Cravina Street, No. 210, Jardim das Alterosas 2nd Section.
Contact: 55 (31) 99670-1190

Center 14
Activities: martial arts, ballet, pilates, soccer, and administrative.
Address: Natal Street, No. 100, Jardim Teresópolis.
Contact: 55 (31) 99065-1246

Center 15
Activities: martial arts, crafts, dances, pilates.
Address: Caiçara Street, No. 210 CS, Vila Cristina.
Contact: 55 (31) 99062-1273

Center 16
Activities: soccer and administrative.
Address: Contagem Avenue, 600 – Betim Industrial.
Contact: 55 (31) 97263-6794

Center 17
Activities: guitar lessons and administrative.
Address: Porto Alegre Avenue, 486 – Niterói.
Contact: 55 (31) 97221-4777

Center 18
Activities: drums, singing, entrepreneurship, judo, psychological support, physiotherapy, and soccer.
Address: Dr. José Mariano Street, 703, Citrolândia.

Center 19
Activities: martial arts, ballet, soccer, gymnastics, music, vocational training.
Address: Hermano Lot Júnior Street, No. 519, Bom Retiro.

Center 20
Activities: martial arts, crafts, ballet, soccer, gymnastics, zumba.
Address: Rio Grande do Sul Street, No. 341, Vila Universal.
Contact: 55 (31) 97230-1739

Center 21
Activities: soccer.
Address: Cachopa Street, 517, São João.
Contact: 55 (31) 99873-7586

Center 22
Activities: martial arts, gymnastics, soccer.
Address: Izabel Ciríaco de Souza Avenue, No. 248, Bueno Franco.
Contact: 55 (31) 99841-9214

Center 23
Activities: Music, psychological services, social services, physiotherapy services, Pilates, handicrafts, and Telecenter – digital inclusion.
Address: Vinte e Nove Street, No. 650, Cruzeiro do Sul.
Contact: 55 (31) 99881-8953

Center 24
Activities: ballet, jiu-jitsu, psychological support, physiotherapy, crochet, futsal, volleyball, functional training, swimming, hydrotherapy, zumba, and games.
Address: Pirapanema Street, No. 928, Icaivera.
Contact: 55 (31) 99539-7599



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