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Hire an Apprentice

Do you want to hire young apprentices for your company? Count on our program!

Ramacrisna is authorized to train and guide young people in their first opportunity in the job market. Our project encourages the development of ethical and professional values in teenagers at social and personal risk, promoting the inclusion and first contact of these young people, aged between 14 and 18, with the labor market.

The project works with the following areas: administrative assistant, logistic assistant, banking services assistant, audiovisual assistant, sports assistant, trade and services assistant and music assistant.

Hundreds of apprentices trained by our Institute are inserted in several companies located in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte; many had or have been hired by these companies, such as Fiat, Comau, Teksid, Bank of Brazil and Unimed.

Your company can also become a partner of the Ramacrisna Adolescent Apprentice project, by following the Apprenticeship Law, which, in addition to provide incentives in the form of exemptions from taxation, helps to transform a teenager’s life.

know more

Impact for businesses

Impacto para as Empresas


companies have participated in the program

Impacto para as Empresas


of young people are inserted into the job market after going through the program

Impacto para as Empresas


of savings with recruitment and training

Impacto para as Empresas


of satisfaction with the work provide by the teenagers

Impact for the young people

Impacto para as Empresas

is the average number of teenagers in the program

Impacto para as Empresas


is the average income of the young employees

Impacto para as Empresas


is the increase in average family income after participating in the program

Impacto para as Empresas


is the highest score on the 10 points given to the program by the young people

Clarify your doubts

Law n. 10.097/2000, expanded by the Federal Decree n. 5.598/2005, determines that all medium and large companies shall hire several apprentices equivalent to a minimum of 5% and a maximum of 15% of their staff whose functions require professional training.

According to the referred Law, apprentices are young people who study and work while receiving professional training. The apprentices must attend a regular school (if they have not concluded high school yet), as well as be enrolled and attending a professional technical education institution that has an agreement with the company.

  • Only 2% of FGTS (a rate 75% lower than the normal contribution);
  • The companies that have been registered with “Simples” and choose to participate in the apprenticeship program shall not have an increase in their social security contributions. 
  • Exemption from paying notice period;
  • Exemption from termination fine.

Young people aged between 14 and 24 who are attending elementary or high school. The maximum age foreseen does not apply to apprentices with disabilities. Proof of the level of education of an apprentice with intellectual disability must consider, above all, the skills and competences related to professionalization.

According to the Law of Learning, the working time must not exceed six hours a day. Apprentices who have already concluded high school can be allowed to work eight hours a day, if the hours intended for theoretical learning are included in this workday.

The apprenticeship contract is a special employment contract with a maximum duration of two years. The minimum wage/hour and all labor and social security rights duly guaranteed shall be registered on the Social Security Card.

The hired apprentice is entitled to a 13th salary and all benefits granted to other employees. Their vacation must coincide with the school vacation period. Payment in installments is prohibited.

The 2% withholding tax rate shall be applied to each young person’s remuneration, including bonuses, to be credited on the FGTS account. The INSS contribution is mandatory, since the apprentice is considered an insured-employee.

* For further information, see the  Manual da Aprendizagem do MTE, a document that has all the legislation about the Law of Learning.

Hire an Apprentice


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