
20 de March de 2023

Education / Professionalization

The school’s role in local community development

The role of the school goes far beyond teaching and learning. It is in this environment, from an early age, that children learn to socialize, broaden their perspectives and also recognize themselves as citizens. Another important characteristic is that, through the school, it is possible to build a fairer and more integrated society.

Ramacrisna works with schools to offer more opportunities for young people and children. For over 60 years, the Institute has been developing culture, sport, work and income generation, technology and leisure projects for people in socially vulnerable situations.

The work at the Ramacrisna Educational Support Center takes place after school hours and has already transformed thousands of lives of children and young people living in the rural area of ​​Betim. Continue reading the article to learn more.

The role of the school in building a fairer society

Education is transformative, but this goes beyond theoretical knowledge. Educating and preparing children for the world is an important role of the school for the development of the community in which it is inserted.

The school builds the intellectual and academic repertoire in the cognitive scope, teaches how to live in society and shapes emotional experiences. This environment is essential for the personal and social development of students, as it is possible to work on empathy and bonding with other people through it.

According to PISA (International Student Assessment Program), Brazil is in last place in the education ranking, among 63 countries evaluated. The program analyzed reading, math and science levels and concluded that the quality of education in the country is among the lowest in the world.

An alarming data perceived in this research is that almost half of the Brazilian students did not reach the basic level in any of the categories analyzed, out of line with the performance of students from private schools in the country.

Due to lack of investment and infrastructure, Brazilian public schools cannot offer everything a child or teenager needs to learn. This generates, in addition to the learning deficit, an acceleration of social inequality in Brazil.

With that in mind, Ramacrisna works to improve the perspective of children and young people in situations of social vulnerability. Check out some of the programs offered by the Institute below. 

Schooling and Ramacrisna: more qualification and learning

Founded in 1959, Ramacrisna seeks, through its programs, to broaden the horizons of children, young people and adults. The Institute promotes courses, workshops and activities in various areas, aimed at learning, professional qualification, as well as leisure and culture.

Through the Ramacrisna Educational Support Center (CAER), the Institute offers children to participate in workshops that take place in a complementary period to classes taught in public schools.

The children receive lunch and snacks daily, including holidays, in addition to school supplies and clothing, as an incentive for the family to keep them attending school regularly. To reinforce the importance of this environment, children can only participate in activities at Ramacrisna if they are enrolled and attending public school.

Among the activities promoted at CAER, we highlight:

 Digital Literacy Desk

With the Digital Literacy Table, students became familiar with the written language, fitting colored blocks into a large electronic panel. As they are placed, the letters are recognized by special software and appear on the computer screen..

The Board helps students with Portuguese and Mathematics, as well as activities that include fables, proverbs, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, among others. In this way, one of the great challenges of literacy is accelerated, the child rebuilds his self-esteem and expands the learning process.

Educational Informatics

The use of programs such as Power Point, Word, Excel and Paintbrush improves the inventive and recreational capacity of children and adolescents. In this workshop, educational and research software are used to enrich the contents and didactic processes.

In addition, video games are used as a learning tool, as games present a series of obstacles to the practitioner at all times. He is challenged to evaluate, organize, prioritize information and based on it, make strategic decisions in the short and long term.


The learning and practice of chess represent not only an option for leisure and culture, but also a means for developing the fundamental capacities of children and young people.

In this activity, the power of concentration and logical reasoning, the creation of strategies to propose innovative solutions, the initiative for decision-making and persistence are promoted.

To check out all the projects offered by Ramacrisna, visit our website. The main work of the Institute is to transform the social reality of less favored layers of society.

So that we can continue with our goals and reach more and more people, your help is fundamental. Discover our courses and learn how to help our projects.


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