
14 de October de 2022

Cases|Education / Professionalization|Pedagogical support

Teachers’ Day: Ramacrisna Instructors Share Their Stories

Janara Gomes and Guilherme Guimarães Nascimento share knowledge with students of Ramacrisna courses

At Instituto Ramacrisna, education is the key to transforming lives. Therefore, teachers and instructors occupy a prominent place within the organization. They are responsible for broadening horizons, providing new opportunities and bringing knowledge to children, adolescents and adults in social vulnerability.

On this teachers’ day, Ramacrisna pays tribute to all those who are the instrument of social transformation. Discover the story of two of our instructors.

Janara Gomes: passion that lasts more than 20 years

Janara Gomes is one of almost two million people whose lives were transformed by Ramacrisna. The story began when she was six years old and was part of the Ramacrisna Educational Support Center (CAER), while still in elementary school.

Between childhood and adolescence, there were many projects. But one of them had a special role: the Adolescent Apprentice. This was Janara’s first job opportunity. In addition to the classes at the Institute, he had the practical part at the Unifort company – which is a partner of the project until today.

As an adult, Janara returned to the Institute. This time, as an instructor for the Building Citizenship project. This is a pilot class for training young people in compliance with socio-educational measures.

“It was a very important project for me because it helped me to see society differently. Because we work with young people who have fulfilled the socio-educational measure, who have committed an infraction and have this break with paradigms and prejudices”, evaluates Janara.

Months later, she became an employee of the Adolescent Apprentice project, as a learning instructor. Thus, he had the opportunity to teach classes. Today, Janara experiences another side of the learning project at Ramacrisna. This is because he is part of the pedagogical coordination team and works on the front line of the Adolescent Apprentice.

Guilherme Guimarães Nascimento: willingness to teach

The story of Guilherme Guimarães Nascimento with Ramacrisna began in 2019, when he applied for the selection process of the Jovem de Futuro project. From the course, he had the opportunity to enter the job market as an apprentice.

In the meantime, in August 2021, he enrolled in the Information Systems undergraduate course and, a few months later, he found out about an internship vacancy at FabLab Ramacrisna and decided to give up his apprenticeship contract.

He participated in a selection interview and got an even better opportunity: he was hired as a technology assistant at the Institute. Now, he shares everything he learns with the young people who frequent the space. “At FabLab, I apply what I learned and practice my knowledge about programming logic, operating system and data modeling, teaching children at CAER – Ramacrisna Educational Support Center and robotics classe”.

He says that it has been an intense period of knowledge in which he has been able to understand how he likes to teach other people. “It’s an environment where I’m always learning new things and developing a lot as a professional and especially as a person. The feeling of helping people is a very good thing and teaching is also wonderful”, he points out.

About Ramacrisna

Ramacrisna is a non-profit institution that, for more than 60 years, has been developing projects in the area of ​​leisure, culture, professional and learning courses for children, adolescents and adults in social vulnerability in 13 cities in the Metropolitan Region.

In all, almost 2 million people have had their lives transformed by our projects. You can contribute to improving the lives of many people. Discover our work and make your donation.


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