
26 de August de 2021

Courses|Education / Professionalization|News

Ramacrisna opens vacancies for free training courses in Igarapé

Enrollment is open for the Ampliando Fronteiras project, carried out by Instituto Ramacrisna with support from BrazilFoundation and the Igarapé City Hall, for three training courses: Baker, HR Assistant and Excel Intermediary/Advanced. In this stage, 95 vacancies will be totally free for young people aged 16 to 40 years, with complete elementary education, residents of the city of Igarapé, in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. Applications can be made until September 24, through the Ramacrisna website: .

“All trainings seek to meet the current demands of the job market. These are professions that companies are looking for at the moment, which increases the chance of getting a formal job opportunity for those who are qualified”, says Solange Bottaro, vice president of the Ramacrisna Institute.

The Baker course is aimed at the manufacture of bread and the like, functionality of machinery and equipment, raw materials, packaging, processes and utensils used in baking, technical procedures, quality, hygiene and health and the environment. The training will be held in person at ASSECIG – Educational and Cultural Association of Igarapé, on Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 6 pm to 9 pm, with a workload of 36 hours/class.

The Human Resources Assistant course seeks to train professionals capable of developing various activities within the HR department in sectors such as trade in goods, services and tourism, industry, as well as public agencies and educational and research institutions. The classes take place at a distance, over the internet, and are also scheduled to start on October 4th. Classes take place from Monday to Friday, from 6 pm to 10 pm, with a workload of 160 hours/class.

The intermediate/advanced Excel course is intended for people who already have the basics of the program and want to go deeper into the tool. Classes will also be online and take place from Monday to Friday, from 6 pm to 9 pm, with an expected load of 120 hours/class.

The three trainings are scheduled to start on October 4th.


Modality: Presential
Local: ASSECIG – Rua Maria Aparecida De Jesus, 611, bairro Três Poderes – Igarapé
Time Course: 4/9/2021 a 12/11/2021
Days ant times to class: Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6pm to 9pm
Workload: 36
Number of students per class: 15
Age Group: 16-40
Required Education: Complete primary education
Requirements to take the course: Being a resident of Igarapé
Registration: until 09/24/2021

Modality: Online
Course period: 9/4/2021 to 12/17/2021
Credit Hours: 160
Number of students per class: 40
Age range: 16-40
Live classes: from 6pm to 10pm
Required Education: Complete Elementary Education
Requirements to take the course: Be a resident of Igarapé, have knowledge in internet browsing and access to a computer with broadband internet.
Registration: until 9/24/2021

Modality: Online
Course period: 10/4/2021 to 12/3/2021
Credit Hours: 120
Number of students per class: 40
Live classes: from 6pm to 9pm
Age range: 16-40
Required Education: Complete Elementary Education
Requirements to take the course: Be a resident of Igarapé, have basic knowledge of Basic Excel and have access to a computer with broadband internet.
Registration: until 9/24/2021


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