
4 de August de 2021

Donations|Education / Professionalization|News|Technology and inovation

Ramacrisna Institute project selected to receive support from Criança Esperança 2021

Seeking gender equality through the inclusion of women in the technology sector, ‘Meninas em Rede ‘ will receive resources from a campaign promoted by TV Globo

The Ramacrisna Institute was selected to receive resources from the Criança Esperança 2021 (Child Hope 2021) Program. The campaign, carried out annually by TV Globo, will direct resources to the “Meninas em Rede” (Girls on Web) project. The Ramacrisna initiative proposes to promote the inclusion of young females, in a situation of social vulnerability, in the areas of innovation and technology, currently dominated by men, in addition to developing socialization actions.

To increase the participation of women in this field, ‘Meninas em Rede’ seeks to enhance the teaching of so-called STEM, in partnership with educational institutions. The expectation is to serve 278 children, young people and adults from 6 to 29 years old.

“Young women in vulnerable situations are an audience that is practically excluded from the field of technology due to the social and gender challenges they face on a daily basis. Through articulation with schools, programming workshops, development of technological tools, human management and Industry 4.0, and Internet of Things (IOT) will be held, in addition to sports and cultural activities. The objective is to stimulate characteristics such as creativity, logical reasoning and critical thinking”, says Solange Bottaro, vice president of the Ramacrisna Institute.

In addition to content related to the disciplines, prominent female personalities in technology leadership positions will be presented, addressing how they managed to achieve relevance within the company and thus encourage female empowerment and protagonism.


One of the goals of “Meninas em Rede” is to develop a mobile application for Android. The product will map the territory in which the participants live, in order to gather information about the population and needs of the community. For Solange, it is important for these women not only to have access to a training opportunity in a new area, but to have an idea of ​​how to apply this knowledge in their daily lives to improve their quality of life..

“The target audience of this project are girls, children and teenagers belonging to large families, mostly mononuclear and usually supported by their mother or grandmother. This public, in general, lives with the absence of a father, lives in improvised buildings, survives with the help of social programs and faces several difficulties: deficient infrastructure, unemployment, alcoholism, violence, high rate of homicides, drug trafficking, among others. It’s good for them to have contact with a new branch of knowledge and to be able to use what they have learned in favor of their community and their own lives”, she highlights.



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