
30 de October de 2023


Ramacrisna Institute is a national standout for the 7th consecutive year as one of the 100 Best NGOs

The Ramacrisna Institute is one of the 100 Best NGOs for the seventh year running. Dedicated to transforming lives through innovative solutions in education and professionalisation, aimed at human, cultural, social and environmental development, the Institute is celebrating its seventh consecutive year of winning the award that recognises organisations with excellence in areas such as governance, transparency, communication and accountability. The award is jointly organised by the Instituto O Mundo que Queremos (The World We Want Institute -IOMQQ) and the Instituto Doar (Donate Institute), sponsored by Ambev VOA, and with the support of the Instituto Humanize (Humanise Institute), Prosas, and Toyota do Brasil (Toyota in Brazil). The list of winners is available on the website

According to Solange Bottaro, Vice President of the Ramacrisna Institute, “This achievement reaffirms our commitment to serving the community and the quality of our management, inspiring us to continue our tireless work for the betterment of people’s quality of life. Being on the list of the 100 Best NGOs for the seventh year is evidence of our dedication and the significant impact we have on society”.

A tribute to organizations committed to the common good

The Best NGOs Award was originally created to encourage a culture of giving in Brazil but has grown in importance over the years. Cassia Christe, the director of IOMQQ, emphasizes, “Best NGOs recognize organizations dedicated to doing good in all forms, for all audiences, and in all causes. When you hear the word ‘NGO,’ you already understand that there is a group of people who have created a nonprofit association for the common good. That is the beauty of society working to solve problems.”

The official award ceremony, scheduled for December 2023, will also reveal highlights in special categories.

About Ramacrisna

The Institute was founded in 1959 by journalist Arlindo Corrêa da Silva and has impacted the lives of over 2 million people in 13 cities in the metropolitan region of the state capital Belo Horizonte in the last 64 years. Located in Betim, Minas Gerais, Brazil, Ramacrisna develops projects in learning, vocational training, culture, job creation, technology, sports, and leisure, among others.

Ramacrisna has had a partnership with the Dom Cabral Foundation since 2008, with the aim of training managers and implementing management tools to improve internal processes. Ramacrisna has already received several awards that attest to its competence in management: among them is the international ranking: Thedotgood (formerly NGO Advisor) for 2 years in a row (2022 and 2023).

In 2021, it won the A+ Seal, which audits and recognises civil society organisations that follow international management and transparency parameters. In 2020 it received the Transparent NGO seal, and in 2018 it was voted the best Social Assistance Organisation in the country, all awarded by the Instituto Doar.


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