
25 de August de 2022

Courses|Education / Professionalization

Ramacrisna and Federal University of Viçosa form a partnership to promote entrepreneurship

Registration for the Individual Microentrepreneur course remains open until the vacancies offered for free are filled.

The Instituto Ramacrisna and the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), through the Forestry Agricultural Education and Development Center (CEDAF), have signed a partnership and are offering the Individual Microentrepreneur (MEI) course free of charge. In all, there are 120 vacancies for residents of the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte. Registration will remain open until all vacancies are filled and can be done through the website

With a workload of 160 class hours, the course will teach students how to register in the Simples National System of MEI (DAS-MEI), generate CNPJ, open bank accounts, perform procedures for loan applications and issuance of invoices. Participants will also have the opportunity to learn about the rights and duties of legal entities (companies).

Upon completion of the course, students will receive the UFV certificate and will have the title of Individual Microentrepreneurs, able to start a new business or formalize what they already have.

The vice president of Ramacrisna, Solange Bottaro, praises the partnership with the university and bets on the success of the initiative to promote entrepreneurship. “It is very gratifying to be at the side of such a renowned institution, with the same purpose of transforming lives. Entrepreneurship is also a possible path for young people and adults in situations of social vulnerability, who do not see opportunities on the horizon”, he says.

In-person classes – Interested parties must meet certain requirements, including being registered with CadÚnico, being 18 years of age or older and having completed elementary school. The 120 places will be divided into three groups, with 40 students each.

Classes will be in person, from Monday to Friday, in the morning shifts (8 am to 12 pm), afternoon (1 pm to 5 pm) and evening (6 pm to 10 pm), at the Ramacrisna headquarters (Mestre Ramacrisna Street, 379, Santo Alfonso).

Students will receive assistance related to the hours they are frequent in the course, for transportation and food. Payment of the aid will be made exclusively through current accounts or digital bank accounts.

More information can be obtained from the Qualifies Secretariat CEDAF – UFV: 31 99835-7383.


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