
7 de June de 2024


Inside Ramacrisna: The Story of Samara Gomes

Samara Gomes was a student in the Industrial Robotics course and now works in the field.

One of the current market trends is industrial robotics, an area that designs and controls robots to perform repetitive tasks requiring precision or to operate in environments harmful to humans. The Ramacrisna Institute invests in the future of young people by offering a vocational course in this field.

Samara Gomes took the course in 2018. The classes opened the door to the world of robotics, in which she remains involved today. She was the first student from the course to secure a job in the field, standing out in a predominantly male industry. Throughout her career, she has repeatedly had to prove her capability in robotics. “There used to be more rejection, but nowadays, it’s not as bad. In some cases, there’s still this issue, and they don’t give much credibility because I’m a woman, but by using solid arguments, it’s possible to change that,” she reflected.

Besides securing a job in the field, she is also pursuing a degree in Production Engineering to further her qualifications.

She shares her relationship with Ramacrisna, her future plans, and her passion for robotics.

Love for Robotics 

Samara Gomes, 26, now balances her time between her Production Engineering classes and her job at an industrial robotics company. Although she isn’t currently attending Ramacrisna, the Institute holds a special place in her history.

She has lived near the organization since birth, and it was through her mother, who also participated in Ramacrisna projects, that she started her activities there. Her journey began with the Young Apprentice project. In addition to the theoretical classes at the Institution, Samara had her first encounter with robotics at the company where she worked through the project.

“Through my time at Comau as a young apprentice via Ramacrisna, I worked in robotics and had real experiences in this field, which sparked my interest,” she recalls.

She also participated in courses in Audiovisual, Automotive Mechanics, and Industrial Robotics. Alongside the knowledge she had already gained as an apprentice, these classes provided her with a solid foundation and helped her get a recommendation for the company where she currently works.

“Ramacrisna was a turning point in my life. The courses I took there, specifically the Robotics course, opened the doors to a job in the field where I still work and enabled me to pursue a degree in Production Engineering. I have always been interested in robotics and industrial automation. When the opportunity to join the course arose, it was a great gateway into the field, providing comprehensive knowledge in the industry,” she notes.

For her, the classes represented not just accumulated knowledge but a new possibility for her future. “Ramacrisna means care, learning, opportunity, and a successful future to me. Through the available projects, it’s possible to acquire a lot of knowledge and have a much better future,” she highlights.

Looking ahead, she hopes to achieve financial stability and a fulfilling personal life while giving back to the Institute for all it has provided her and helping more people.

Industrial Robotics 

The Industrial Robotics course at Ramacrisna prepares professionals to work in various areas of the automation industry (PLC programmer, robot programmer, and industrial electrician). The classes cover concepts of efficiency and safety for programming development, industrial process control logic, and industrial robot manipulation and programming.

The course consists of 300 hours of classes, held in person from Monday to Friday. Each cohort has 20 students eager to find new opportunities and transform their lives.

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