
29 de April de 2023

Cases|Courses|Education / Professionalization|Inside Ramacrisna

Inside Ramacrisna: discover the story of Isabela Machado

The Inside Ramacrisna this time brings a story of overcoming and entrepreneurship. A report that shows how, even in the most difficult moments, it is necessary to believe. And also, how, in many moments, all a person needs is opportunities.

This is the story of Isabela Machado, an entrepreneur who rediscovered the meaning of life through a project by the Instituto Ramacrisna.

Keep reading and discover this exciting story.

Entrepreneurship, study and problems 

Entrepreneurship in Brazil is not easy. Especially in a small country town. But that was no obstacle for Isabela. Still very young, she went after what she liked most: the world of fashion. And so, she opened a small store, close to her home, in Igarapé, Minas Gerais, the Zabelí Brechó.

She kept the store as long as she could, but when she entered college she had to put her dream aside and dedicate herself to her future. He went to study architecture and urbanism. Everything seemed to be on track: four years of college, a job later, and a happy life.

But, of course, things are never that simple. After graduating, she discovered that the job market can be cruel. He sent resumes, knocked from door to door, but did not get space.

A stone in the middle of the road 

By this time, she was no longer doing well. I lived sad, discouraged. But at the end of 2021 the situation became unsustainable. Isabela had a psychotic break. She was admitted to a psychiatric institution and began a long treatment.

She says that, “At the beginning of 2022, I took medicine every twelve hours, to stay, like, doped. was watched 24 hours a day, so as not to actually commit something stupid”.

But little by little she got better and decided to reopen her shop. It wasn’t an easy decision. As she was not well, she ended up getting into debt and again found herself in a difficult situation. 

That’s when the Ramacrisna Institute came into his life.

Expanding horizons and changing lives 

One of Ramacrisna’s projects is Ampliando Horizontes, carried out in partnership with BrazilFoundation and the city of Igarapé. Its objective is to train young people in the city in several areas.

In mid-2022, the Project was renewed and entered a new phase, focusing on entrepreneurship, offering professional and business training to 90 young people aged between 18 and 29 years old, residents of the city.

Using the Sebrae methodology, the Bootcamp course – Entrepreneurship in action and the workshop How to be MEI in Practice were made available. After that, 15 young people were selected to receive an exclusive Business Modeling consultancy and financial support in the amount of BRL15,000 to invest in their ventures.

Unique opportunity 

It was almost by chance that Isabela started doing Bootcamp. “I found out through a friend about the course I was going to take. And off I went. I started to close the thrift shop door in the afternoon, so I could study.

Her great interest was, in addition to learning, to gain the financial support that would help her to get out of the complicated situation she found herself in. She did her best. He attended every class, studied hard, and did the most important work of his life. And it worked.

Isabela was one of the 33 selected for the second stage, where she presented her business and showed how it would impact the city. E ela não deixou por menos. 

“I focused on talking about sustainability, because Brechó today is fundamental even against large companies, which manufacture tons of clothes, which take decades to decompose. They are the 3rd most polluting industry in the world.”

 New beginning 

And so much effort paid off. She was one of the 15 selected and was able to truly invest in her dream and change her life once and for all. 

“On the day, I even asked for the floor to explain my story. How my life turned upside down And that, that choice, was God showing me that I had more time here. Getting out of limbo and being recognized as an entrepreneur was very important.”

 The contribution was divided into 3 installments. With the first one, she settled her debts, bought paints and transferred the Brechó to the center of Igarapé. With the second installment, she invested in structure, bought a minibar and financial control software, and reinforced the stock. And she has already planned the entry of the third installment , which will be used to improve her computer and further increase the number of clothes.

 Contribute to Ramacrisna 

Did you know that you can help us build stories like this?

The Instituto Ramacrisna was founded 64 years ago and operates in 11 cities in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte. Through partnerships, own businesses and donations, it develops projects in the areas of leisure, culture, sport, professional courses, educational and learning support for children, adolescents and adults.

There are several ways to make your donation. Physical and legal persons can contribute online, via pix or paypal, or by bank slip. To do so, just click here, choose the form of donation and contribute any amount.

Another way is through Income Tax, contributing via the Fund for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (FDCA). That is, it is a percentage of the amount that would go to the Government, you can allocate it to a Social Institution. You pay nothing extra for this.


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