NGO's|Technology and inovation
Learn about initiatives that democratize access to technology
In an increasingly digital world, access to technology has become essential for educational, professional and social development. However, digital exclusion is still a reality for millions of people, especially in regions of socio-economic vulnerability.
In Brazil, according to data from the Internet Steering Committee (, approximately 29 million people do not have access to the internet, which prevents thousands of children and young people from taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the digital world.
Given this scenario, digital inclusion has become one of the main global challenges and is directly connected to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure).
Here are some initiatives to transform reality.
The digital divide, which mainly affects vulnerable communities, hinders access to information, the job market and educational opportunities. The challenges of overcoming this problem are multiple and complex. The lack of access to technological devices, the scarcity of quality connectivity and the lack of training in digital skills, for example, are significant obstacles.
Without adequate equipment and the necessary training, many young people are excluded from educational and professional opportunities that depend on technology. In addition, unequal access to the internet and digital educational content further exacerbates this exclusion, leaving these young people at a disadvantage in the job market and in society in general.
This scenario calls for concrete action to ensure that everyone has access to the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in a digitalized world. This is where organizations like the Ramacrisna Institute come in, with programmes that promote the digital inclusion of children and young people, preparing them for the challenges of the future and offering new perspectives for their lives.
At the Ramacrisna Institute, digital inclusion is seen as an essential pillar for the social and professional development of young people. Through computer courses, students develop fundamental skills for using technology in everyday life, whether for studying, working or communicating. With this, the Institute contributes directly to reducing inequalities and increasing access to quality education.
One of the Ramacrisna Institute’s innovative initiatives is the Digital Literacy Tablet, which helps children in the literacy process. The equipment allows students to become familiar with written language by fitting colored blocks into an electronic panel. As the letters are positioned, special software recognizes them and displays them on the computer screen.
In this way, children interactively learn to recognize the alphabet, build words and interpret texts. In addition, Mesa helps with Portuguese and math subjects, through activities such as fables, proverbs, nursery rhymes and tongue twisters. This dynamic method speeds up literacy, strengthens children’s self-esteem and expands their learning possibilities.
Another key technology used by the Institute is the Digital Whiteboard, which allows students to access educational content online. This tool combines knowledge and technology, broadening the learning universe and providing more dynamic and interactive teaching.
Digital inclusion at the Ramacrisna Institute goes beyond the use of technology in the classroom. The Inclusive Solidarity Project, for example, plays an essential role in democratizing access to technology. The initiative restores computers and laptops and donates them to vulnerable children at CAER – Centro de Apoio Educacional Ramacrisna (Ramacrisna Educational Support Center), ensuring that more young people have access to the tools they need to study and develop professionally.
Another great feature of the Institute is the FabLab (Fabrication Laboratory), an innovative space for creativity and practical learning. At FabLab, students have access to advanced technologies and can develop skills in robotics, programming and design. This approach allows them to turn ideas into reality and acquire essential skills for the job market.
Another project aimed at digital inclusion run by the institution is Onda Digital. Aimed at teenagers aged 15 and over who are socio-economically vulnerable, the project
offers computer classes to the public, providing knowledge and access to information and communication technologies.
Technology should not just be seen as a learning tool, but as a catalyst for social change. It can transform the way communities interact, how young people develop and even facilitate access to services such as health and education. In other words, digitalization has the power to connect people and communities, creating support networks and promoting social inclusion.
That’s why digital inclusion isn’t just about offering access to technology, but providing the necessary knowledge so that everyone can use these tools productively. Technology is the key to building a fairer and more equal society, and guaranteeing access to information and digital skills is fundamental to transforming the future.
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