
6 de September de 2022

Education / Professionalization|Pedagogical support|Technology and inovation

How technology can help children’s literacy

Almost 2.5 million children between the ages of 6 and 7 can not read or write. The Instituto Ramacrisna uses technology to develop children’s literacy.

Child literacy is a major challenge for Brazilians. According to the analysis by the NGO Todos pela Educação, based on data from the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Pnad Contínua), the number of children between 6 and 7 years old who can not read or write grew by 66.3% during the pandemic.

The survey, which compares the third quarters of each year between 2012 and 2021, confirms the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on Brazilian public education. Between 2019 and 2021 alone, the growth of illiterate children went from 1.4 million to 2.4 million.

To try to reverse the situation, Instituto Ramacrisna invests in recreational activities and technology to make children’s literacy easier and more fun. Discover our actions.

Digital Literacy Table

The Digital Literacy Table is a resource aimed at children between 6 and 13 years old, students at the Ramacrisna Educational Support Center. The resource is innovative in the children’s literacy process, because it helps children to become familiar with written language. To do this, they play by fitting colored blocks into an electronic panel..

As the pieces are fitted together, the software recognizes the letters, projecting them onto the computer screen. Thus, children participate in interactive activities and, consequently, learn to recognize the alphabet, build words and recognize meanings. The table also makes it easier for the student to discover accents and interpret texts.

In addition, the resource helps students in Portuguese and mathematics subjects. It also has other activities, such as fables, proverbs, nursery rhymes and tongue twisters. In this way, the child gets closer to the world of letters, connects with their own culture and learns by playing.

Digital board

Another CAER activity aimed at children’s literacy is the digital whiteboard. The tool, connected to the internet, allows students to connect to the world. The idea is to make it possible for children living in rural areas to know the classroom with technology. In this way, expanding and simplifying the universe of learning.

Educational Informatics

Combining software such as Power Point, Word, Excel, Paintbrush, and Publisher, for example, the project seeks to expand the inventive and recreational capacity of children and adolescents. Allied to this, the student becomes familiar with letters and words, increasing their knowledge and possibility of expression.

The idea is that educational and research software are used to enrich the contents and didactic processes, expanding the universe of the classroom. 

In the project, games are a learning tool, as they present a series of challenges. In this way, the child is, at all times, provoked to evaluate, organize and prioritize information and, based on it, make short and long-term strategic decisions..

Recreational activities

Allied to technology, Ramacrisna instructors seek to work the playful world with children. In this way, it is possible to bring to children subjects with which they have curiosity and affinity. Thus generating greater interest and breaking down barriers to child literacy.

Especially on commemorative dates, such as Folklore Day, Easter and Arbor Day, children have contact with specific material, taking the monotony out of the classroom.

Support children’s literacy projects

Ramacrisna has been developing projects for children, adolescents and adults in social vulnerability for over 60 years. In all, there were almost two million people who transformed their lives with at least one of our works.

You can contribute to the transformation of the world through education, helping children to read and write and achieve a better future. Discover our projects and make your contribution.


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