
4 de September de 2023

Education / Professionalization|News|NGO's

Female equality: despite advances, there is still much to achieve

Especially in the labor market, female equality is a great challenge to be overcome

Empower women and establish equal opportunities for all genders. This is what the term “female equality” is all about. Throughout history, they have made a lot of progress: they can vote and drive, they are a majority in universities and laws have already been created for their protection.

But there is still much to be done. Especially when it comes to the job market. One of the points, for example, is the speech of women in leadership and management positions. According to study “Women in the Workplace 2022”, by Mckinsey & Company, for every 100 men who are promoted to management positions, 87 women achieve the same promotion.

The situation is even worse when it comes to black women: only 82 reach the position. The survey also points to a higher turnover rate for female leaders than for male leaders. In other words, it is not enough just to get to the position. You have to overcome other obstacles to stay in position.

Lower wages

Another obstacle to women’s equality in the labor market is wage differences. A man and a woman who perform the same function and with the same level of education have different incomes. 

According to the IBGE, the average monthly income of a woman in Brazil is R$1,764. A man, on the other hand, earns an average of R$2,306 – a difference of more than 70%. To try to circumvent this problem, the Equal Salary Law between genders was enacted, which obliges companies to review their remuneration criteria and to offer equal salaries to men and women who occupy the same positions.

Female equality and the Third Sector

The Third Sector plays a fundamental role in promoting female equality. This is because, within these institutions, they constitute the majority of workers. According to UN Women, 70% of people working in the Social and Health Sector worldwide are women.

Even on a busy day, since 92% of women do housework and 36% take care of other people, according to data from Pnad Contínua, 51% find time to do some kind of volunteer work.

The presence of women is fundamental for promoting gender equality, guaranteeing rights and empowering women in leadership and management positions. All of this contributes to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number five, linked to the promotion of gender equality, part of the 2030 Agenda.

The Ramacrisna Institute is a practical example of this. In addition to having 71% of leadership positions held by women, the Civil Society Organization develops projects aimed at gender equality, as is the case of Girls in Network, which offers programming courses for women in situations of social vulnerability.

Ramacrisna’s work fits into item B of goal 5, which provides for the increase in basic technologies, in particular information and communication technologies, to promote women’s empowerment.

About Ramacrisna

Ramacrisna is a non-profit institution that, for more than 60 years, has been developing projects in the area of leisure, culture, professional and learning courses for children, adolescents and adults in social vulnerability in 13 cities in the Metropolitan Region.

In all, almost 2 million people have already had their lives transformed by our projects. You can contribute to improving the lives of many people. Discover our work and make your donation.


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