
4 de April de 2022

Courses|Events|News|Technology and inovation

Ramacrisna Institute opens FabLab for training and digital inclusion of young people and adults

With state-of-the-art technology, the space has 3D printers, virtual reality glasses and a laser-cut CNC Router

The Ramacrisna Institute will inaugurate, on April 12, in Betim, an innovative space for digital fabrication aimed at young people and adults in situations of social vulnerability: the FabLab Ramacrisna. There are only 25 units of this type in Brazil, three in Minas Gerais – all in Belo Horizonte. This is the first unit to be implemented in a rural area.

FabLab (Fabrication Laboratory) is an innovation laboratory created to stimulate creativity and knowledge through practice, turning ideas into reality. The initiative aims to promote the professional qualification of young people and adults and the digital inclusion of children and adolescents, elementary school students from public schools, through the learning of programming and basic and intermediate knowledge in technology. With this, Ramacrisna wants to take inclusion, innovation and cutting-edge technology across regional, social and economic boundaries.

FabLab Ramacrisna will offer the most modern and advanced technology, with tools and materials for the rapid production of objects through prototyping. The space has 6 3D printers, 5 virtual reality glasses and a CNC Laser Cut Router, 18 tablets, computers and 8 lego kits for the practice of Educational Robotics. These equipments will enable the opening of new professional courses, totally free of charge and with high demand in the market..

According to the Institute’s vice-president, Solange Bottaro, FabLab will become a center of continuous activities and will allow digital inclusion and professional qualification of the public served. “We want to arouse interest in entrepreneurship in young people, enable the development of new technologies and meet demands with a strong social impact”, she highlights.

The 260m² space is comfortable, has new furniture, excellent lighting and ventilation, as well as a colorful look to delight students, instructors and visitors. The equipment was installed in order to facilitate its handling with safety and comfort.

With this basic technological training in digital fabrication, programming and electronics, project beneficiaries will be able to provide services or create their own businesses. “They will have several possibilities to work with 3D printing, production and preparation of materials produced in CNC Laser Cut Router, digital file cut/engrave, software, digital manufacturing processes, practice and laser designs using CAD System”, exemplifies Solange.

Knowledge and Democratization

With a different conception from the FabLabs that emerged in the context of the academic environment, the FabLab Ramacrisna will allow the democratization and sharing of editing and creation tools. With this, the project wants to transform the organization’s beneficiaries into executors of development processes.

The implementation of FabLab will also allow a horizontal exchange of knowledge, with interdisciplinarity, cooperation, sharing and learning, through the practice of “Do It Yourself”. “With this, we want to bring the most vulnerable groups closer to technological innovation”, concludes Solange Bottaro.


Inauguration of the FabLab Ramacrisna

Date: April 12 at 2 pm

Address: Mestre Ramacrisna Street, 379, Betim/MG


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