
30 de June de 2023

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Educational sport: how does the practice help in the formation of children?

With educational sport, boys and girls avoid hyper-competitiveness and manage to achieve integral development.

Do you know what educational sport is? The first definition of the term appeared in Law 9615/98. According to the legislation, educational sport is the one practiced in education systems and in asymmetrical forms of education, seeking to avoid selectivity and hypercompetitiveness of its practitioners.

The practice also has the purpose of achieving the integral development of children. In addition, educational sports help in training subjects to exercise citizenship and practice leisure.

In 2013, decree 7.984/13 established that educational sport has two forms. The first is school sports, which are practices within the school. In this case, the practice of sports works in citizenship education, in the development of talents and sportsmanship. It is, therefore, a way of expanding the potential of sport and promoting improvements in health.

The second form is called educational sport or training sport. The practice has a social purpose and can be carried out inside or outside the school. This type of educational sport helps children to develop within the principles of inclusion, participation, cooperation and responsibility. In addition, it is a way to promote health and improve the relationship between boys and girls.

This is the type of educational sport implemented in Esporte em Movimento, a project by the Ramacrisna Institute, sponsored by Vale, through the Federal Law of Incentive to Sport. Find out more about the initiative below:

Educational sport in practice: get to know Sport in Motion

Sport in Movement is aimed at children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability. In all, 120 children are being directly benefited and another 480 indirectly.

In the project, young people participate in various sports activities, such as chess, 7-a-side football, soccer, futsal, shuttlecock, volleyball, Judo and basketball. All this for free. In addition to helping with sports training and improving the health of students, the initiative helps in the integral development of children and adolescents, with social training.

The activities are carried out at the headquarters of the Ramacrisna Institute and serve, preferably, residents of the Vianópolis region, in Betim. The space already has courts and space for sports and students are accompanied by physical education professionals.

On site, children and adolescents receive food and a uniform. In addition, they can make use of Ramacrisna’s facilities, such as the library and recreational park.

To participate in sports activities, students must be enrolled and attending regular school.

About Ramacrisna

For more than six decades, the Ramacrisna Institute has offered actions in education, leisure, culture, sports, learning, digital inclusion and professionalization for children, adolescents and adults in situations of social vulnerability.

In all, more than two million people have already had their lives transformed by at least one of our projects, in 11 cities in the Belo Horizonte Metropolitan Region. This represents not only personal and family improvements, but also a reduction in crime and more art and culture actions that improve the rates in Minas Gerais and, consequently, in Brazil.

Now that you know how our projects help society as a whole, make your donation and join this chain of good.


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