
27 de April de 2023

Cases|Sustainability|Technology and inovation

Creativity and innovation for a sustainable future

The sustainable future is one of the most discussed and valued topics in the world today. But very few people really understand what sustainability is. Thus, they limit thoughts and initiatives to the environmental part.

There is no way to talk about sustainability without social action. Thus, income distribution, the reduction of economic differences and the improvement of the quality of life in communities are fundamental for any model of a sustainable future.

Do you want to know more about social sustainability and how your actions can change the world? So, come with the agent and continue reading.

How to build a sustainable future

When we talk about sustainability, we think directly about the environment. It is a fact that we need to review our relationship with natural resources. But there are many other aspects that need to be taken into account.

According to one of the leading authorities in the area, the Polish economist Ignacy Sachs, the concept of sustainability is divided into 8 parts:

  • Social;
  • Cultural;
  • Ecological;
  • Environmental;
  • Economical;
  • Territorial;
  • National policy;
  • international policy.

This shows how the path to building a sustainable future is much more complex and requires efforts in several areas.

Social Sustainability: actions for a sustainable future 

Promote equality, income distribution and guarantee everyone access to health, education and food. As long as there are no minimum social guarantees, we will not be able to think of a sustainable future.

Despite the enormity of the challenge, small actions can change the lives of many people. Get to know some simple initiatives, but with great impact.

Encourage local production – Whenever possible, choose products produced in your region. In addition to encouraging the local economy, this practice brings consumers closer to the production chain, reducing gas emissions from transport services..

Choose socially responsible companies – It seems little, but it can make a lot of difference. When buying a product or contracting a service, research the manufacturer or supplier.

Support social projects – There are hundreds of initiatives taking place in all regions of the country. Just search and choose. Right here at Ramacrisna we have several projects that you can support. Click to learn more

Volunteer – One of the main ways you can help is with your work. Most projects depend on donations and sponsorships and are always in need of people to help.

Creativity and innovation: the keys to a sustainable future 

Good initiatives alone are not enough to change our reality. It is necessary to invest in creativity and innovation if we want a truly sustainable future. 

New projects and initiatives must have their impact on society as their main asset. Thus, far beyond economic viability, it is the form of socio-environmental relationship that will define its success. And technology plays a key role in this process. 

With creativity and innovation, new horizons open up. Either with a new use for a product or with an application that allows the creation of businesses that did not exist before. The path to the development of needy regions goes through ideas of demands that would have been unthinkable a few years ago. 

Other initiatives, such as the sharing of consumer goods, collaboration in projects and the reuse of products are already underway. And yet, we are just beginning our journey.

But how to accelerate this change? What can we do to help the migration to this new economic model?

Instituto Ramacrisna: 64 years building a sustainable future.

Founded in 1959, the Instituto Ramacrisna is a non-profit Social Institution, with no religious or partisan ties. Learning, vocational and technology projects, among others, are developed here. Its initiatives serve communities in situations of social vulnerability in 11 cities in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte. 

Since its founding, Ramacrisna has invested in creativity, inclusion and innovation. Thus, it not only teaches, but trains and prepares young people for the challenges of the future.

Discover some of our initiatives: 

Industrial Robotics Course – Prepares professionals to work in several areas of the automation industry (PLC programmer, robot programmer and industrial electrician). In classes, concepts of efficiency and safety are applied for programming development, industrial process control logic and also manipulation and programming of industrial robots. 

Ramacrisna Educational Support Center (CAER) – These are complementary activities to classes, which broaden students’ horizons. With state-of-the-art equipment, such as the Digital Alphabet table and the Digital Whiteboard, children and young people have access to the internet and new technologies. Além disso, há cursos de programas como Power Point, Word, Excel, Paintbrush, Publisher entre outros, para capacitar e iniciar os alunos.

Net Girls -, Aims to enhance education in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). The project is aimed at girls in situations of social vulnerability in rural communities served by the Ramacrisna Institute. There, they have access to programming workshops, development of technological tools, chess, sports and cultural activities, human management, Industry 4.0 and IOT, among others. 

FabLab – It is an innovation laboratory created to stimulate creativity and knowledge through practice. This is done by learning robotics, programming and basic and intermediate knowledge in technology. FabLab has a complete structure, with tools and materials for the rapid production of objects through prototyping. Instalado em um espaço de 500m², conta com 6 impressoras 3D, 5 óculos de realidade virtual, uma Router CNC Corte a Laser, 18 tablets, computadores e 8 kits lego para a prática da Robótica Educacional.

Do you want to know more about the institute and support one of our projects? Access our website


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