
3 de June de 2024


Clean Energy: Why is it important?

Imagine a world without electricity. Seems impossible? But it’s not, at least not for electricity generated by burning fossil fuels like coal and natural gas, which have finite sources of production. Moreover, this practice releases large amounts of pollution into the atmosphere, increasingly harming the environment. That’s why the production of clean energy is gaining more traction.

This type of energy uses renewable sources, meaning they are less likely to run out. Besides being available for future generations, clean energy does not harm the environment and contributes to the population’s quality of life by reducing the presence of pollutant gases or harmful residues and aiding in environmental preservation.

Clean electricity is generated from resources such as water movement, wind power, solar energy capture, organic materials, ocean currents, or fluids from hot zones.

Photovoltaic Energy

Photovoltaic energy is produced from sunlight, even on cloudy or rainy days. The sunnier the day, the greater the amount of electricity produced. Solar radiation is captured by a panel that converts the light into electrical energy. Photovoltaic energy is considered an alternative, renewable, clean, and sustainable energy source.

Since July 2020, the Ramacrisna Institute has adopted clean energy with its own photovoltaic plant. Besides contributing to environmental preservation, the plant generated a 90% saving on the electricity bill. The total savings per year is about R$ 60,000. This amount can cover the care of 400 children and young people or 6,600 meals in a year.

Moreover, the plant’s installation helps Ramacrisna align with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 7, which is clean, silent, renewable, and accessible energy. But that’s not all: thanks to the plant’s installation, the Institute was able to create a professional course in Electrician/Photovoltaics. This way, students learn to assemble, maintain, and install photovoltaic panels. Besides enabling the popularization of these structures, it also offers a new income possibility for many families.

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