On February 20, the Ramacrisna Institute celebrates an important milestone: the 20th anniversary of the Adolescente Aprendiz program. The celebration will be even more special with the inauguration of the program’s new center, located in downtown Betim (Avenida Governador Valadares, 296, 4th floor). The space was designed to facilitate access for students, since many of them study in the region.
Since its creation, the Adolescente Aprendiz program has trained thousands of young people, offering professional training and opportunities to enter the job market. Over these two decades, the program has benefited more than 5,000 young people. Of these, approximately 80% are hired after the end of the contract, guaranteeing a significant change in their professional and personal trajectories. To mark this moment, the event will also pay tribute to the Institute’s partners, who are fundamental to the continuity and success of the initiative.
For Solange Bottaro, vice-president of the Ramacrisna Institute, the program represents a real change in the lives of young people and their families. “Over these two decades, we’ve seen many teenagers turn into qualified professionals, prepared for the job market. This transformation has an impact not only on their careers, but on the family in general. Recent studies have shown that, after participating in the program, the family income of these young people increased by 25%. This is our purpose: to offer opportunities through education and professional training, promoting inclusion and citizenship. ”, she emphasizes.
Aline Consuelita, the program’s coordinator, stresses the importance of celebrating this trajectory together with the partners who believe in the initiative. “We have overcome many challenges in these 20 years and managed to have a positive impact on the lives of so many young people. The new center is another step towards strengthening this work, providing more accessibility, comfort and adequate structure for our apprentices,” she says.
Juliane Reis, a former apprentice in the program, is an example of the transformative impact of Adolescente Aprendiz. “Having had the support and preparation of the program gave me the security and maturity to experience day-to-day life within companies. I was recommended by the Institute to work at Unimed, where I was able to develop and, after my period as an apprentice, I was hired. Today I have a degree in Communication, a master’s degree in the area from PUC Minas and I work in training and consultancy. Without a doubt, being an apprentice gave me a broader view of the corporate environment and I’m very grateful for that professional start. ”, she said.
The partnership with companies is also one of the pillars of the program’s success. Micaéllem Lemos, HR Analyst at TSEA, highlights the importance of this connection. “We chose the Ramacrisna Institute because it is a benchmark in training young apprentices. The teenagers arrive very well prepared and we see the positive impact this has on our team. We are happy to know that we have contributed to the professional growth of these young people,” he said.
The event celebrating the 20th anniversary of Adolescente Aprendiz will be held on Thursday 20th at 9am at the project’s new center.