
27 de November de 2023

Education / Professionalization|News|NGO's

What progress has been made on the SDGs in Brazil?

The country is a long way from making the Sustainable Development Goals a reality 

Transforming the world for this and the next generations. It was with this idea in mind that the 193 Member States of the United Nations (UN) made a commitment to involve governments, companies and civil society to improve the world on three pillars (social, economic and environmental), signed the 2030 Agenda and pledged to fulfil the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

However, they may not make it off the drawing board. That’s because some countries haven’t made much progress on the goals. Brazil is one of them. According to the Civil Society Light Report on the 

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, most of the goals are going backwards. 

Here’s a look at the reality of the SDGs in Brazil:

SDGs in Brazil

According to the study, of the 168 targets set out in the 17 SDGs, 102 are in a backward situation in Brazil, corresponding to 60.35 per cent. A further 14 (8.28 per cent) were considered to be under threat. 

The data refers to 2022 and also shows that 16 targets (9.46 per cent) had stagnant growth compared to 2021. In addition, 29 (17. 1 per cent) were making sufficient progress and only 3 (1. 77 per cent) had satisfactory growth. 

Finally, 4 (2. 36 per cent) of them had insufficient data for classification, and 1 (0. 59 per cent) did not apply to Brazil. The document also emphasises the unequal impact of the setbacks, especially on women, the black people, indigenous people and vulnerable groups, especially in the North and Northeast regions.

How can the situation be reversed?

It is still possible to make the SDGs a reality in Brazil. This requires joint action between governments, civil society and companies. The Ramacrisna Institute, for example, has aligned itself with several goals, contrary to the national scenario. Check them out:

● SDG 10 – Reducing Inequalities 

Guarantees and promotes equal opportunities and social and economic inclusion, regardless of age, gender, disability, race, ethnicity or religion.

● SDG 4 – Quality Education

Provides complementary education for children and adolescents, promoting sociability and creative capacity and stimulating cognitive potential.

● SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promotes training and entry into the labour market through the Adolescent Apprentice programme. And creates opportunities for professional qualification or retraining.

SDG 16 – Peace, Justice and Effective Institutions

Ramacrisna has been carrying out responsible and transparent work for over 60 years. It also values ethics and inclusive and participatory management.

● SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

The Ramacrisna Fence Factory has modern machinery and adopts sustainable principles.

● SDG 5 – Gender Equality

It guarantees the inclusion and equal opportunities of women in its projects. It also holds talks and workshops on gender equality and female empowerment. 

● SDG 17 – Partnerships and Means of Implementation:

It develops various partnerships with public authorities, private companies and international organisations to mobilise and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources to develop actions and projects that meet the SDGs.

● SDG 1 – Eradication of Poverty

Guarantees the inclusion of socially vulnerable adolescents and young people in projects that promote personal, social and economic development.

● SDG 2 – Zero Hunger and Sustainable Agriculture: 

The Ramacrisna Institute provides safe, nutritious and sufficient food for all students throughout the year. In addition, through emergency action during the COVID-19 pandemic, it distributed food baskets and food vouchers to the vulnerable public served by the institution.

  • SDG 7 – Clean and Sustainable Energy

The Photovoltaic Plant generates clean energy, from a silent source and with immediate savings for social activities.

Help us continue to put the goals into practice. You can contribute as an individual or as a company. Find out how to donate.

Evaluation by SDG 

The report on the applicability of the SDGs in Brazil makes a detailed analysis of the evolution of each of them in the country. Check out the full report.


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