
24 de March de 2023

Education / Professionalization|News

Structural racism: how to participate in the fight against racial discrimination

Racism is a deep wound in society, which unfortunately persists from ancient times all over the world. However, there is a specific form of racism that is increasingly at the center of debates: structural racism.

Structural racism refers to a type of discrimination that is present in institutions and in the formation of society, often in an invisible and subtle way, but which has profound and lasting effects on people’s lives.

Despite being a complex problem, which requires a multifaceted approach to combat it, there are some strategies to raise public awareness and be part of the anti-racist struggle. Continue reading and learn more.

What is structural racism?

Structural racism refers to the practices, policies and norms that perpetuate racial discrimination in a systemic and institutionalized way in a society.

This type of racism is not just the result of individual actions by prejudiced people, but rather a consequence of a system that was historically built to favor certain groups over others.

Structural racism can be seen in many areas of society, including education, the job market, politics and access to basic services such as health and housing.

For example, lack of diversity can be seen in companies and government institutions, in police violence directed primarily at black people, in residential and school segregation, and in the underrepresentation of minority groups in positions of power and decision-making.

These inequalities are not accidental or natural, but the result of policies and practices that perpetuate the exclusion and marginalization of racial minority groups.

Combating structural racism requires actions that go beyond the individual level. It is necessary to invest in public policies that promote inclusion and racial equality and raise awareness of the population about the importance of diversity and the fight against racial inequalities.

How to participate in the anti-racist fight?

“In a racist society, it is not enough not to be racist. It is necessary to be anti-racist”. This phrase by philosopher Angela Davis provokes reflection on the fight against structural racism. But after all, how can we participate in the anti-racist fight?

As we said earlier, for structural change to take place, it is necessary not only to raise awareness in society, but also to give space for black boys and girls to grow up with more opportunities. This is what changes the future.

 The Third Sector plays a key role in the anti-racist struggle. Through programs aimed at learning, educating and qualifying people in situations of social vulnerability, it is possible to transform realities and perspectives.

The Ramacrisna Institute believes that giving new opportunities to people, on an equal basis, contributes to the reduction of racism and to the improvement of the entire community.

Therefore, our students, partner companies and people around us related our work with the UN Sustainable Development Goals related to:

10 – Reduction of inequalities

4 – Quality education

8 – Decent work and economic growth

Contribute to combating structural racism and reducing social inequalities. Discover our projects and make your donation.




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